Learning Japanese
Protected: Numbers*
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Today, we are learning how to count in Japanese. Keep in mind that Japan has specific ways to count depending on what you are counting. They use different suffix after the number of objects, people, age, animals, and more. But for default, you can use つ (tsu). ゼロ Zero 0 一 Ichi 1 二 Ni 2 三 San 3 よん / し Yon / Shi 4 ご Go 5 ろく Roku 6 なな / しち Nana / Shichi 7 はち Hachi 8 く / きゅう Ku / Kyuu 9 じゅう Juu 10
Protected: Introductions*
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The first lesson in our Japanese Language Class would be about introductions. How do you introduce yourself in Japanese language?